Sunday, April 19, 2009

Snowball Poetry....

A class
That had
Annoyed a
Large part
Of the class
Using my loud
Voice again is
Heaven after my
Personal hell. my
Anxiety is a large
Problem when i can't
Escape or i feel like
There is no escape. its
Painful and awkward. i'm
not very introspective.
In fact i rarely think out
What i want to say before it
Comes out of my mouth. that is
Why today's class was not a fun
Or entertaining experience. i
Would rather we didn't do it more
Than just this one time because i
Do not know how well i could handle
Being in an awful situation like it
Again. although if i could speak i bet
The situation would be different. i am
Sure i would have been more open to it if
I had not participated in Day of Silence.
This was why today's mute class was an
Experience that was helpful and helped me
To remember why Day of Silence is a need now.
It reminded me of the frustrations i faced in
The closet and that there are so many people in
The closet or silenced because of hate. the need
Is still present for allies and the fight is here.


  1. I saw you working on this on Friday. I am glad to finally read it.

  2. I really liked working on it. This was an awesome assignment.
