Monday, May 11, 2009

Schools and advertisements

Schools need money, but is it ok to take cooperate sponsorship? The answer is no.

Schools are a safe haven for students. It is sometimes the only place a student can feel comfortable and safe. If a cooperation infiltrates and splatters the school with advertisements, the school becomes just like any other place. Schools are unique and comfortable because there is no advertisements trying to manipulate and influence you. Advertisements are usually gender and stereotype enforcing and that needs to be left out of schools.

Schools are a place for learning and students would not be able to separate advertisements and learning. Because school is one of the most influential parts of students' lives, advertisements would be much harder to ignore. Schools are meant for learning. Students enter the school every morning with the understanding that school is right. School is a source of knowledge and is rarely wrong. This is why advertising would be too influential. Students would take the ad as less of a "you should buy" and more of a "you must buy this product." Schools need to focus on education and development of its students.

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