Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I finally saw a positive gay movie.

Wow...it took a while.

I'm sitting here reflecting on the first POSITIVE gay movie.

Now there are some fabulous gay movies. Really great ones that involve a lot of real issues and that educate the masses...but I don't want to see a million movies of sad endings, hate crimes and HIV.

This was the first movie truly about love. About two men falling in love. Now there was still a little bit of coming out and a little bit about being gay in a hetero world, but it was minimal. It was very cute.

I'm very giddy now.

On another note, no gay movie is not rated R. If they aren't, they are unrated which usually implies worse content. We need to make more movies for younger audiences. Gay children will always feel different until we do. Time for equality.

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